Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Primary Producers

Primary Producers are organisms that produce their own food and do not depend on any organisms for food. All plants are primary producers. Plants are called primary producers because they can make their own food through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process of which plants turn their sunlight into energy, which is the plant's food. No other organism on Earth can produce their own food, which is why they are called producers. They produce all the energy that gets transferred throughout every other living organism on the planet. Some examples of primary producers are grass, trees, algae, plankton, etc. These organisms are very important, because they are the ones which start the food chain or web. Without any primary producers, no creatures would exist on this Earth. This is because primary producers breathe carbon dioxide and let out oxygen which the other creatures need to breathe in. These other creatures breathe out carbon dioxide for the primary producers. It is a cycle of life.

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