Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Hello, and welcome to our blog. This a simple food web. It shows the producer (tree), the consumer (deer), and the decomposer (fungi). The tree gives oxygen and the deer eats the tree. When the deer dies, the fungi decomposes it.
Now you must think, what is a food web. A food web is a chain of animals or organisms who are consumed by others. The sun is a major source of energy on Earth's surface. The sun is the
beginning of all food webs. All plants, or primary producers, convert the sunlight into energy, which is called photosynthesis. This is how the plants get their food. The plants are usually eaten by primary consumers, such as horses, bunnies, etc. These primary consumers are also called herbivores. Primary consumers are eaten by secondary consumers, who are cougars, lions, tigers, bears, etc. No organisms eat any secondary consumers. Instead, when the secondary consumers, or carnivores, die, they are then decomposed by scavengers and decomposers. Scavengers do their job first. They eat and break down the secondary consumers. Some examples are eagles, crows, etc. The decomposers then come into play by finishing up the remains of the animals. Some examples are worms, fungi, mushrooms, etc.

Now that you know what is in the food web and what they do, we will give you a specific example of a food chain. The sun, as usual, starts of by giving food, or energy, to the grass. The grass is eaten by horse. The horse is eaten by the cougar. The cougar, since it can not be eaten by anyone else, is decomposed by first a eagle, and then some worms.

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